Getting started - Circuitry Wiki

Getting started

To start using circuitry you need to install it using the mod manager
Once you installed it and started the game, the mod will appear in the game in the form of a milestone in your HUB
Unlocking it will give you all available content in the mod, so you don't have to unlock anything else

In order to connect objects together you need a wiring tool.
All circuitry equipment is crafted in equipment workshop ( Workshop! not crafting table! )
If you're struggling to follow this tutorial then the mod may not be made for you, some things are too hard to understand if you don't have the necessary skills.
This wiki is not meant to be THE tutorial, please don't ask us to guide you on every step.

We're ready to help with confusions, but we can't handhold you all the way to your end goal.
You need to understand that you will not learn to do anything yourself if you just copy others.
If you're stuck somewhere or need help figuring out some specific thing, feel free to ask us in our discord server!
With that out of the way, let's begin.

Using the wiring tool

What does wiring tool do and why did i have to craft it?
Wiring tool is THE tool for connecting objects to each other
Be it connecting gates, gates to vanilla objects, vanilla objects to other vanilla objects, and even objects from other mods!
Objects cannot communicate with each other without a connection.
You cannot just place a gate on some object and have them automatically interact.
Let's familiarize you with how the tool works and what each button does.

Basic controls

These are the buttons that you will typically use for the very basic connect-disconnect procedures:
  • LMB (Left Mouse Button)
    Select output of an object/Connect to input of an object (if already selected an output)

  • RMB (Right Mouse Button)
    Scroll output/input list down

  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Down
    Scroll output/input list down (faster than clicking RMB)

  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Up
    Scroll output/input list up

  • R (Reload button)
    Release selected output/Reset specific input

  • Hold G
    Opens a menu with additional actions, such as "Reset all inputs", "Configure object" and "Tool configuration"

All of the keys can be changed in keybinds menu.
Note that some of these keys are actually displayed on your HUD in case you forget them!
Those are the base controls, let's skip additional stuff for now.

Connecting objects

Let's make an extremely simple circuit, you can't possibly mess this one up
Follow this video tutorial

That wasn't so hard, was it?
Now let's do something else, here's how you can synchronize data on multiple signs
Only use this as educational material.
Vanilla signs are prone to memory leaks, we recommend using Advanced Signs
Note that as of v13.4 advanced signs don't support "chaining", however this should be possible once v13.5 comes out.

Resetting inputs

In case you changed your mind and want to disconnect an input, there are 2 ways to do it:
  • Reset all inputs
    This can be done via actions menu that you can open by holding G while aiming at an object that you no longer want to receive input data.

  • Reset specific input
    Similar to resetting all inputs, but instead is done through object's config menu which is opened through the same menu

Here are both methods side by side:

Displaying number on a sign

If you've already tried doing something cool yourself, you might've realized that trying to display some number on a sign is not working
To solve this we need to first connect our number to a "To String" gate.
Place it down, connect its output to the sign, and connect your value to the "To String"s input
After that the number will be displayed on the sign.
Here's a video version:

If you're interested in this circuit, please go to mod usage examples page!

Next steps